Keystone Youth Group
Location: 40-31 165th Street Flushing
Fridays @ 8PM
"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
In architecture, a keystone is the wedge-shaped stone piece at the apex of a masonry arch. It is often the final piece placed during construction and locks all the stones into position, allowing the arch to bear weight. Here in QTEC, we see the period of time from middle school and high school as imperative years for the building of one's faith foundation. Through Friday night activities, discussions, and Sunday School classes (along with our English Sunday Services), Keystone YG seeks to build intentional relationships and foster biblical principals and understanding before college.
Our mission is to raise up young people to become disciples of Christ. That their lives may reflect that of Christ's; in speech, in conduct, in love, in purity and in faith. We aim to accomplish this by creating a safe and nurturing environment where young people between the grades of 6-12 can gather together to share the joys and concerns with each other and caring adults.
Keystone Youth Sunday School
Location: 40-32 166th Street Flushing, Classroom A
Sundays @ 11AM
Join us on Sunday mornings before the English Service in the new building. We are going through The Gospel Project as provided by Lifeway.
For more information, visit The Gospel Project at Lifeway.
Keystone Winter Lock In
Location: 40-32 166th Street Flushing
Friday, 1/17 @ 6:30pm - Saturday, 1/18 @ 2pm
Over the years, during high schooler's Regents week, we have held a mini-retreat of sort for students at QTEC's Community Center located on166th Street. At the lock-in, students attending should expect to stay at the facility (in our case the church’s Community Center) overnight. While games and activities are planned, we also hope to have a time of discussion, sharing, and devotional time together with the students.
The lock in will begin with dinner on Friday night, and end with a light lunch on Saturday. We ask each student to contribute $15 per person to help with the cost of food and use of space.